June 10, 2016


Daniel Plumey Sr., Military Veteran and Former Law Enforcement Officer is the Lead Instructor certified by the National Rifle Association (NRA) for pistol instruction, takes Florida Gun Pros’s Florida concealed handgun carry (CCW) training class through the basics of pistol shooting and into concealed carrying in Florida. This course is designed based on the NRA’s Basic Pistol Shooting course but it is not an NRA course.

Basic Firearm Course: Basic pistol knowledge, skill and attitude. To teach how to draw from a holster, how to react to pistol malfunctions, , and how to further personal training in order to develop lifesaving defensive pistol skills. This is the entry level course to take before you complete the basic Florida concealed carry training . If you have the Basic pistol knowledge, then you can take the Concealed Firearms Course.

Course Length: 4 Hours Completed in One Day

Fee: $100 (includes CCW Class)

Concealed Firearms Course. This course is designed based on the NRA’s Basic Pistol Shooting course but it is not an NRA course. Prerequisites: Demonstration of basic pistol knowledge, skill and attitude. Our class fee is only $60, saving $30 off the normal price. It will cover everything that you need to complete the training and apply for the license. Florida Gun Pros also offers a unique Mobile class. Yes, we will go to you in the comfort of your home. We bring the class to you at no extra cost. Ask us about our mobile service.

Course Length: 4 Hours Completed in One Day

Fee: $75 ( discounts for seniors, couples and groups of 5 or more $60 each.)

Defensive Firearm Training: The Level One Defensive Pistol course is 6 hours long and it will teach the following topics:

1. Lifestyle of a concealed carrier

2. How to react to pistol malfunctions

3. Tactical and emergency reloading

4. Drawing from open carry and/or concealed carry

5. Shooting with movement

6. Techniques for continued training At the end of the class you have a working understanding and ability to draw from concealment to protect yourself and your family. Your confidence and abilities will be increased through the course but it is extremely important to realize that mastery only comes with lots of practice and repetition.

Course Length: 4 Hours Completed in One Day

Fee: $125